Academic Senate functions to raise the standards of teaching, research, technological development, publication and other academic pursuits. The Academic Senate is responsible in developing policies and implementation of the policies. The membership of BCI Academic Senate consists of representatives of different departments of the institute and distinguished academics and reputed academic administrators. The effective functioning of the Senate largely ensures the efficient functioning of the institute.
Professor in Marketing & Finance
BCI Senate Member & Senior Lecturer – School of Computing
Head – Department of Digital Marketing
Head – Department of Business Management
Head – IT Services
PhD(USA), MBA(USA)-Reading, MPhil(WUSL)-Reading, BSc(WUSL)
Head / Senior Lecturer – School of Computing
PhD (Japan), MSc (Sri Lanka), Pg. Dip. (Sri Lanka), Bach. IT (Sri Lanka), DCSD (Sri Lanka)
Priest In-charge – Academic Affairs
Secretary Administration