
Diploma in Business Management and Analysis


PROGRAM TITLE : Diploma in Business Management and Analytics
DURATION : 6 Months
COURSE FEES : Rs. 30,000

The landscape of education is continuously evolving, and there’s a growing demand for flexible and accessible learning opportunities. To cater to this demand and expand the educational offerings at BCI Campus, we propose the launch of an Online Diploma Programme in Business Management and Analytics (DBMA). This program aims to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of management principles and serve as an entry qualification for the BBM degree program offered by BCI Campus. This online program positions BCI Campus as an accessible higher educational institution, catering to a broader spectrum of students and paving the way for a more inclusive learning community.

  1. To offer a condensed yet comprehensive curriculum covering key Business Management principles and practices.
  2. To provide students with a foundational understanding of Business Management, preparing them for higher studies in business-related fields.
  3. To serve as an entry qualification for the BBM degree program offered by the School of Business of the BCI Campus.

The diploma program will consist of 05 modules covering fundamental topics in Business Management:Each module will be delivered through an online platform, allowing students to access lectures, materials, and assessments at their convenience.
Assessment methods will include quizzes, assignments, and a final examination to ensure a comprehensive evaluation of students’ understanding.

Articulation with BBM Degree Program:
Students who successfully complete the Diploma in Business Management will be eligible for exceptions or credit transfers for the first and second semesters of the BBM (Hons) degree program at BCI Campus.
This initiative aims to encourage students to pursue higher education at BCI and facilitate a smooth transition from diploma to degree-level studies.

Benefits to BCI Campus:

  1. Increased Enrollment Potential: The Diploma Programme in Business Management, being an online offering, opens avenues for attracting students from all regions of the country.
  2. National Accessibility: By embracing online learning, BCI Campus can reach students in various provinces/districts, including remote areas, enabling access to quality education irrespective of geographical limitations.
  3. Post GCE (A/L) Attraction: The flexibility of an online program will particularly appeal to students completing their GCE (A/L) examinations, offering them a convenient and structured pathway to further studies in management.
  4. Enhanced Pathways: Creating a structured pathway from the diploma to the degree program will streamline student progression and retention.
  5. Competitive Edge: BCI Campus will gain a competitive advantage by providing a comprehensive educational ecosystem for students.
  6. Diverse Student Cohort: Drawing from across the country, this program will create a diverse student cohort, fostering a rich learning environment that reflects varied perspectives and experiences.